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The power of the word and the Sword of the Spirit.

Your act of contribution is more than just a vote of participation or an act of consumption. Your support means your co-involvement in the production and distribution of this work and this work is a part of the Great Commission.

The reach of a comic/manga can reach the lives of our youth—especially in an era where the influence and presence of so many demonic entities is openly present in popular culture—whether books, movies, games or music. The extent of demonic influence in such media and it appears deceptively benign but is fully evil.

Why is the enemy so intent on breaking, blinding, robbing and crippling our youth? Because our youth are the future of our world and future champions of the Great Commission. Just as the characters in our story are able to free themselves from the chains of darkness because of the light of the word in their lives, so do we hope and believe that the chains of darkness in the lives of our readers will also be cut by knowing the power of our Saviour.

With that, I present to you the following 2 teaser introductions of our main characters and the demons they will overcome with the power of the word and the Sword of the Spirit.

Order: Virtue

Class: 1

Name: Sloth

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