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Our new website is up!!

Our new website is up ( ). We don’t have much going on here at the moment but give us time and we’ll try to put more stuff up there.

We have an online store which you can purchase pdf copies of the first 4 books to support us + the pre-release Generations comic series.

Also, if you have been inspired or enjoyed our stories, please do share the digital files with your kin and friends which we believe will bless many others.

We are not going to limit our works to just our buyers (not like we could control that anyway) and we’d like you to share freely with as many people whom you think would enjoy this. We take the same approach with all our other upcoming publications including Generations.

People need stories of faith, overcoming demonic activity with the power and grace of God. Overcoming depression and all other forms of demonic oppression is very real for many people the world over.

We hope that our stories drive home the reality of the power of His word and scripture verses in the lives of our readers. May all chains in their lives be broken and may they come to a full realization and knowledge of Christ’s love for them as they read the stories.

With your involvement and participation, we can get these stories out to thousands of others.

This project then becomes greater than the work of one person—it becomes the work of a multitude. Generations will become a partnership between both the storyteller, the reader and the contributor who is willing to take it to people who may never be interested in reading a bible or have access to one for various reasons.

You may get your free Episode as well in the link below.

Be Bless!

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