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Hey all, it’s great seeing you again and it’s been a long time—7 years since the last book in the Of Heaven & Hell Series was published in 2015. I never imagined I’d be back again at the story-telling gig but old habits die hard and a wave of inspiration has hit me like a hurricane to craft the stories of a spin-off—Generations.

Here’s some background on this so I can bring you up to speed. Of Heaven & Hell Generations was initially conceived as early as 2012 with the express intention of fleshing out the details of the youthful characters that made their appearance at the end of Apocalypse. I had gotten tired of writing lengthy novels and felt the best treatment for this next part of the saga would have to be a full colored, action-oriented, manga/anime inspired story.

Dawn sketch 7 years ago...

Whilst the backdrop for the last 3 books (Apocalypse, Revelations & Armageddon) centred around ‘end-of-the world’ events and Genesis was a world-builder in retrospect, I wanted Generations to portray through the eyes of college students what the supernatural world would be like in the lead-up to the Revelation era . There had to be a sense of horror and mystery, while pulling on that college/high school vibe so many of us have gone through during our youth. There was no question this medium would have to be in the form of a comic. The use of pictures to depict action sequences, the wielding of a spirit sword, the intensity of battle is difficult to capture in just words. Having dusted off (figuratively & literally) the cobwebs off my half-written tomes for Generations after 10 years when it was first conceived, the story can now come to you in what I hope will bring you on an inspiring, entertaining and thought-provoking thriller of a ride. So be prepared for what has been planned, 3 seasons of 7 episodes each, covering the full story of the Generations arc of the Of Heaven & Hell series; Dawn, Lance, Liete, Guy, Molly and the Reverend.

And I’ll give you more details of what to expect in the coming entries. Exciting times!

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