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As of 1st October, for tournament play, we’ve implemented a maximum hand size limit of 7 cards. This is a general rule applying to all Hero Decks.

  • What does this mean for cards which allow me to draw cards into my Hand like Greed, Gluttony or Sloth are played?
    It means you will still draw the maximum number of cards into your Hand but when you end your turn, you can only hold a maximum of 7 cards in your Hand. This means at the end of their turn, players must move any extra cards beyond 7 cards to the bottom of their Deck till they are holding only 7 cards.
  • Why was this implemented?
    This rule was implemented to address a few problems players were facing with gameplay. 1) It reduces the attack streak and advantage of decks such as Guy’s Spirit Burst & Lance’s Determination. 2) It creates more opportunities for the defending player to launch a comeback. 3) It reduces the advantage and effect of Draw cards such as Greed, Gluttony, Pride, 4) It increases the Discard impact of Dawn’s Interceptor & Lance’s Counter Punisher.
  • Side effects of implementing a Hand Size Restriction
    -Trigger Verse Cards such as Trick Slice, Trick Strike and True Strike become more effective -Counter Verse Cards such as Command Parry and Command Guard become more costly to play -Action & Hero Cards such as Awakening, Throne and Dawn’s Inhibitor become more costly to play
  • What are the 5 Types of Cards in Game?
    There are Trigger-Verse cards, Counter-Verse cards, Action Cards which also include Event Cards, Hero Cards and Finishing Verse Cards. Hero Cards can be countered only if the Counter-Verse card explicitly mentions this. Finishing Verse Cards cannot be countered in any circumstance and consume Spirit in the Arena . Even if a Hero Card has a Trigger-Verse, Counter-Verse or Action Card effect, they are treated as Hero Cards and are not affected by cards that affect non-Hero cards.
  • What does ‘successfully played’ mean?
    It means your opponent did not play a Counter Verse card from their Hand to stop you.
  • What happens if I choose not to take any action during my turn after the draw phase and end my turn?
    If you choose not to take any actions (play a Trigger Verse, play an Action card), and end your turn, you may draw one more card from your Deck at the end of your turn before passing the turn over to your opponent.
  • What happens if a card’s effect (Discard 1 card) is played by either myself or my opponent and I have no more cards in my Hand?
    If you have no more cards in your Hand, you don’t need to do anything further if your opponent plays a card such as True Strike or Dawn’s Interceptor which forces you to Discards cards. However, if you take an action that compels you to Discard those cards in your Hand as a pre-condition, you cannot take that action if you do not have sufficient number of cards in hand to Discard. An example is playing a Counter Verse card from your Hand in response to your opponent playing Trick Slice or Trick Strike. If you do not have at least 2 other cards in your Hand to Discard, you cannot play a Counter Verse from your Hand to stop your opponent.
  • Can I play a counter verse card against Lance even if I do not have sufficient cards in my Hand to Discard?
    If you play against Lance and his ability Counter Punisher compels you to Discard a Card from your Hand in order to play a Counter, you cannot play a Counter Verse if you don’t have at least one additional Card in your Hand to Discard.
  • Can I play a counter verse card such as Command Parry or Command Guard if I do not have sufficient cards in my Hand to Discard?
    For Counter Verse cards such as Command Parry and Command Guard, if overturned from your Deck, you must be able to pay the Discard cost of 1 card from your Hand to effect the text on those cards (in addition to having sufficient Spirit). If you are unable to Discard, you are unable to play those cards.
  • Can I play action cards such as Throne, Awakening, Dawn’s Inhibitor even if I do not have sufficient cards in my Hand to Discard?
    The same rule applies to action cards such as Throne, Awakening & Dawn’s Inhibitor, discarding cards is a pre-condition without which, the action card cannot be played.
  • I am using Lance and played Trick Strike against my opponent. If they choose to play a Counter-Verse Card from their Hand, how many cards in total must they Discard?
    They must Discard 3 cards from their Hand if your opponent chooses to counter you.
  • I am using Dawn, how do I play the Inhibitor Action Card?
    Dawn’s Inhibitor card can be played to stop an opponent from playing their 2nd card in a single turn. It is not a Hero counter-verse card. Due to this, Dawn’s card can be played against any card in the game including Hero Cards and Finishing Verses.
  • How do Counter-Verse cards that are overturned from Deck come into effect?
    Counter-Verse cards have their full text effects applied when they are overturned from Deck as though they were played directly from your Hand unless it is explicitly stated otherwise (E.g. Lance’s Determination). For example, Parry’s damage value of 1 hurts your opponent even if it was overturned from deck. However, you will need to have sufficient Spirit to play those cards for those effects to take place. For example, if you have 0 spirit, you cannot play Counter-Parry or Command Parry from your Discard pile.
  • Can I play Dash & Slash immediately after playing a Hero Trigger Verse Card?
    No, Hero Cards do not count as Trigger Verse cards.
  • Must I play Dash & Slash immediately after playing a Non-Hero Trigger Verse Card of 4D or Higher?
    Yes, you can only play such cards directly after the pre-requisite card has been played in sequence. You cannot play such cards with a break of another card in between. For example, if you have 3 cards you wish to play, you cannot play in this sequence: Dice & Slice -> Light Slice -> Dash & Slash This is because Light Slice is a 3D card and not a 4D card. You can only play Dash & Slash as follows: Light Slice->Dice & Slice -> Dash & Slash OR Dice & Slice -> Dash & Slash->Light Slice
  • What happens if I play Whirlwind Slice and it is countered by the opponent’s Hand or overturned from their Deck?
    As long as your opponent counters directly from their Hand or overturns from their Deck, you will need to take 2 Damage. However, if it’s countered from their Hand, an additional effect kicks in for their next Trigger Verse which cannot be countered by you.
  • Can I play Rapid Strike immediately after playing a Hero Trigger Verse Card?
    No, Hero Cards do not count as Trigger Verse cards.
  • Can I play Aerial Strike if my first and only card played in the same turn was a Hero Trigger Verse Card?
    No, Hero Cards do not count as Trigger Verse cards. However, you can play Aerial Strike as long as you had played a Trigger Verse at any time within the same turn prior to playing this card. It need not be in sequence.
  • Can Spinning Slice be countered by a Counter-Verse Card flipped from the opponent’s deck?
    No, it can only be countered by a Counter-Verse card played directly from your opponent’s hand.
  • Can I play Omni-Slash immediately after playing a Hero Trigger Verse Card or Trigger Verse with less than 4D?
    Yes Omni-Slash can still be played but the irreversible effect will not come into effect. Omni-Slash’s irreversible effect will only come into effect if played immediately after a 4D or greater Non-Hero Trigger Verse.
  • When does Piercing Strike’s +1D take effect?
    It takes effect for all your trigger-verse cards the next time you play a trigger verse card. The effect cannot be applied to Piercing Strike at the same time that Piercing Strike card was first played.
  • Can Spirit Wielder Legacy’s +2D be applied to my Hero and Finishing Verse cards?
    No, it can only be applied to non-Hero Trigger verse cards.
  • Can I play cards like Team Meeting and All-out Attack to boost the damage of my Hero/Finishing Verse cards?
    No, Team Meeting and All-out Attack can only apply to Non-Hero Trigger Verse cards.
  • Can I play cards like Guy’s Grit and Piercing Strike to boost the damage of my Hero/Finishing Verse cards?
    No, Guy’s Grit and Piercing Strike can only apply to Non-Hero Trigger Verse cards.
  • Can I play Dice & Slice if I have no more Cards in my Hand to move to the bottom of my Deck?
    As the outcome of Dice & Slice depends on whether the play is successful, you can play the card even if it is your last Card in Hand. Otherwise, you would be unfairly denied playing the Card even before you know the outcome of whether it would be successful.
  • How many Event Cards can I play in a single turn? Does an Event card count as an Action card played?
    One. Yes, Event Cards are Action cards and you can only play one action card per turn.
  • Can Power Up for More be applied to Hero and Finishing Verse cards?
    Yes, it can apply to all cards played in the game including Trigger, Action, Counter-Verse, Hero and Finishing Verse cards.
  • When do I start counting spirit for event cards like Can’t Catch A Break and High Stakes?
    Can’t Catch A Break spirit count check takes effect at the end of each player’s turn. Any cards with spirit in excess of 20 must be moved from the player’s Arena whose turn has just ended. High Stakes count check takes effect before the Draw Phase at the start of the player’s turn.
  • Is there a limit to how many Event Cards I can have in the Battle Arena at one time?
    Yes, you can only have 1 Event Card in your side of the Battle Arena at any time. You may remove Event Cards from your side of the Battle Arena at any time during your turn and replace it with another Event Card provided you are only playing 1 Event Card per turn at a time to keep with the rule of only 1 Action/Event Card played per turn. However, you cannot have both High Stakes & Can’t Catch A Break in either player’s Arena at the same time. For this, the card played last replaces the other card across both player’s Arena.
  • Can I stack the effects of multiple Spirit Wielder Legacy and Power Up for More?
    Yes. You could technically play 3 Spirit Wielder Legacy across 3 turns and boost damage up to +6D. If your opponent does the same, the resulting effect would be +12 for both players.
  • Can I remove Event cards played by me from the Battle Arena?
    Yes, you can remove Event cards played in your Battle Arena at any time during your turn. You cannot however, play an Event Card and then remove it within the same turn. Event cards removed from the Arena go straight to the Discard Pile.
  • Does Spirit Wielder Legacy only apply to Trigger Verse cards?
    Yes, it only applies to Trigger Verse Cards and not Hero or Finishing Verse cards.
  • Does The Spreading Darkness only apply to Trigger Verse cards?
    No. Unlike Spirit Wielder Legacy, it applies to all cards played—whether Trigger Verse, Action Cards, Counter-Verse, Hero Finishing Verse Cards.
  • Can I remove Event cards played by me from the Battle Arena?
    Yes, you can remove Event cards played in your Battle Arena at any time during your turn. You cannot however, play an Event Card and then remove it within the same turn. Event cards removed from the Arena go straight to the Discard Pile. Event cards that are removed do not count as an Action.
  • Can I play Virtue to boost the damage for my Hero Card or Finishing Verse?
    Yes, Virtue can be used to boost the damage of your next attack, whether it is a Trigger Verse, Hero Card or Finishing Verse. However, this is only applicable if that Card is your next Attack and that you complete it within the same turn. Virtue cannot be used to boost an attack in the following turn.
  • Is there a limit to the number of Finishing Verse I can play in a game?
    Like all other cards, each player can only hold a maximum of 3 of each type of Finishing Verse in their deck. There are no limits to how many Finishing Verses you can play. However, Finishing Verse cards reduce Spirit in the Arena. The player must move the equivalent cost of playing the Finishing Verse from the Arena to the Discard Pile including the Finishing Verse that was just played.
  • What happens after a Finishing Verse was just played?
    Move all cards up to the cost of the Finishing Verse played into the Discard Pile. For example, if playing Liete’s Burst Divide and the player is able to reduce it by 6 spirit due to having 2 Counter-Verse cards in their Arena, the actual cost to play is only 16 Spirit and the player only needs to move up to 16 Spirit of cards from the Arena into the Discard Pile. However, if the player had to pay the full cost of 25 spirit to play Liete’s Burst Divide, then up to 25 spirits must be moved to the Discard Pile. Another example, if playing Guy’s Blitz Lightning, the player is able to play with 11 Spirit, the player only needs to move cards up to 11 Spirit into the Discard Pile. (see Is it possible to play Guy’s Finishing Verse Blitz Lightning with only 11 Spirit?)
  • For Liete’s Burst Divide, do her Hero Counter-Verse cards in the Arena count towards reducing the Spirit Cost required to play this card?
  • Liete’s Finishing Verse Burst Divide is too powerful. It is the only card in the game that can take effect as long as it’s in the deck of the player. Are the developers going to nerf this card?
    As of 14th August, we have implemented a tournament rule that Liete’s Burst Divide can only be played from Hand like all the other Finishing Verses. This would make it the only Counter Verse card that cannot be played while overturned from Deck.
  • For Lance’s Determination, can the card also counter Hero cards?
    Lance’s Determination cannot counter Hero Cards, only non-Hero Trigger verses.
  • For Lance’s Determination, can the card also boost Hero and Finishing Verse Damage?
    Yes, as the effect boosts all attacks for the next turn, this includes Hero & Finishing Verse Damage.
  • For Lance’s Mirage Dance, can the card also bypass Hero Counter Verse cards such as Liete’s Resolve?
    Only Finishing Verses such as Liete’s Burst Divide can counter Lance’s Mirage Dance. Otherwise, a minimum of 2 Counter-Verse cards is required (Hero such as Liete’s Resolve or Non-Hero Counter Verse) to end Lance’s turn.
  • Can Guy’s Grit be used to boost Guy’s Rolling Thunder Strike & Guy’s Berserker Drive?
    No, Guy’s Grit can only be used to apply to Non-Hero Trigger Verse cards.
  • Is it possible to play Guy’s Finishing Verse Blitz Lightning with only 11 spirit?
    Yes, have at least 7 Spirit in your Arena and your opponent has 0 Spirit, then play Guy’s Rolling Thunder Strike which reduces your Finishing Verse cost by 6S and brings your Spirit total to 11 Spirit, use Spirit Burst to reduce it by another 4S which would allow you to play Blitz Lightning.
  • What is my sequence of action when Lance’s Counter Revelator is played against me?
    Take the Damage of 4 by overturning 4 cards from the top of your Deck. Then search your Deck for a Counter-Verse Card (Non-Hero) and Discard it.
  • What is my sequence of action for the Defending player when Liete’s Resolve is played from the Defender’s Hand or Deck against Dawn’s Conviction?
    If Liete’s Resolve is played from Defender’s Hand, Dawn’s Conviction has no effect and moves to the Discard Pile. If Liete’s Resolve is Overturned from Defender’s Deck, Dawn’s Conviction is considered successful and a Card must be Discarded from the Defender’s Arena. Damage stops at the point of time that Liete’s Resolve is Overturned and the Attacking Player’s turn ends.
  • Countering Cards and the effect of Double-Counter Cards
    As a principle, the effect of counter cards cannot be reversed or countered. A player cannot ‘counter’ a counter. Also, Finishing Verses cannot be countered. Hence, cards like Liete’s Burst Divide Finishing Verse cannot be countered by a Burst Divide from the opponent. In general, when it comes to Counter-Verses and cards that block Counter-Verses, the hierarchy and precedence is as follows:
  • Whirlwind Slice
    Takes precedence over any other card. No Counter-Verse card can be played by Player A in response to player B’s first Trigger Verse if player A’s Whirlwind Slice was countered by player B from Player B’s Hand in the previous round. This is because player A’s right to play a counter in the following round was nullified.
  • Spinning Slice
    Takes precedence over any other card. Even a Finishing Verse such as Liete’s Burst Divide cannot be played against this card if Burst Divide was overturned instead of being played from the player’s Hand.
  • Atomic Slash
    Can be reversed only by Hero Counter Cards such as Lance’s Determination, Liete’s Resolve and Liete’s Burst Divide
  • Aerial Strike
    Can be reversed by Hero Counter Cards such as Lance’s Determination, Liete’s Resolve, Liete’s Reverse the Tide and Liete’s Burst Divide.
  • Omni-Slash
    Can be reversed by Hero Counter Cards such as Lance’s Determination, Liete’s Resolve, Liete’s Reverse the Tide and Liete’s Burst Divide.
  • Power
    Takes precedence over any other card. As long as the pre-condition of 7D or less Trigger Verse played is met, no card in the game can reverse a Trigger verse card boosted by Power’s effect.
  • Throne
    Can be reversed by Hero Counter Cards such as Lance’s Determination, Liete’s Resolve, Liete’s Reverse the Tide and Liete’s Burst Divide.
  • Dominion
    Any Trigger Verse boosted by Dominion’s effect can be reversed by Hero Counter Cards such as Lance’s Determination, Liete’s Resolve, Liete’s Reverse the Tide and Liete’s Burst Divide.
  • Inhibitor
    While Dawn’s Inhibitor is explicitly not a Counter-Verse card, it has the most powerful counter effect precisely because it is not constrained by the rules that bind other Counter Verse cards and can be played to stop any card from being played as long as it’s the second card to be played and not the first. If it was the 3rd card within the same turn, Dawn’s Inhibitor cannot be used.
  • Can Hero Cards be Countered?
    Hero Cards cannot be countered by any counter verse cards unless mentioned explicitly by the counter verse card. Only the following cards can reverse Hero cards: Liete's Resolve, Liete's Burst Divide.
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